Prefabricated modified polymer bitumen membrane composed of polyolefin
thermoplastic stereospecific polymers with high molecular weight and special
distilled bitumens, with excellent characteristics of resistance to ageing and
phase inversion (type APP), already attested by the Technical Certificate of
suitability n° 630/04 issued by the ITC.
These built in elements, integrating themselves, enhance the excellent qualities
of flexibility, lightness, adhesion, resistance to ageing and to UV rays of the
PRATIKO P+V membrane.
On request a PRATIKO P+V VIADUCT ANTI ROOT version is available for green
roof applications. The compound has a special chemical additive (PREVENTOL
B2 BAYER) which provides the membrane with high resistance to root
penetration, aggressive chemical agents such as fertilizers, weedkillers, etc. The
anti root resistance of the product does not harm the health or life of the plants.
The anti root additive does not wash out with water, and remain permanently
The FIRE RESISTANT version is manufactured with special inorganic non toxic
fire retardant additives which confer to the product a fire resistance which
conforms to the European directives in this field.